
Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement.

  • Aging 2.0: A global innovation platform on a mission to accelerate innovation to improve the lives of older adults around the world, by connecting, educating and supporting innovators through community building, events and programming.
  • American Society on Aging: Offering nationally recognized professional education, publications, and online information and training resources.
  • Apply for Medicare Part D: A guide to “understanding when and how you can sign up for a Medicare Part D plan, information that is “essential for ensuring you get the coverage you need while avoiding late enrollment penalties.” From Apply for Medicare.
  • Challenging Ageist Stereotypes in Media: How do negative stereotypes in media and TV feed into our societal assumptions about aging? A website that “challenges ageist stereotypes to promote and foster a more inclusive society,” and shares places to find new pieces of entertainment that aren’t so centered around younger individuals. From Crossword Solver.
  • Coming of Age: An organization that helps people 50+ “explore their future; connect and contribute through opportunities, both paid and unpaid, in their communities; and provides training to nonprofits about how to build their capacity to capture the energy and expertise of this population.” You can sign up to receive their newsletter.
  • Illegal Interview Questions You Should Be Looking Out For: An article that explores common illegal interview questions as well as why these questions are considered discriminatory, covering topics like age, disability, and personal background. From
  • Medicare 101: A guide to how Medicare works and how to prepare to sign up. From Apply for Medicare.
  • National Center for Creative Aging: Dedicated to fostering an understanding of the vital relationship between creative expression and healthy aging, and to developing programs that build upon this understanding.
  • NextAvenue: Public media’s first and only national service for America’s 50+ population, “providing news, information and advice to help their audience navigate their lives and inviting them to join in an ongoing conversation about the issues and transitions we all face.”
  • Sage-ing: “Looking at life in a new way as we grow older, a spiritual practice that involves harvesting the wisdom of our lives, transmitting that wisdom as a legacy to future generations and giving back through service.” They offer workshops, webinars, Sage-ing Chapters, and more.
  • Senior Entrepreneurship: A guide to starting a business later in life. From Niels Bohrmann.